Keto Recipe: Sugar-Free Jell-O and 10 reasons to eat it daily

I use unsweetened jello and Xylitol to sweeten my jello. Here is what you need to know about Xylitol as a sweetener that doesn't spike blood sugar or insulin, starves the plaque-producing bacteria in the mouth and feeds the friendly microbes in the intestine. Note: Xylitol is very bad for dogs. And here are 10 reasons you should eat jello every day! HERE 1. Gelatin Gives You Gorgeous Skin 2. Gelatin Will Heal Your Gut 3. Gelatin Improves Your Joints 4. Gelatin Will Save Your Bones from Osteoporosis 5. Gelatin Helps Weight Loss 6. Gelatin Keeps You Calm! 7. Gelatin Keeps Those Pearly Whites Healthy 8. Gelatin is a Great Source of Protein 9. Gelatin Beats Fancy Shampoos for Hair Care 10. Gelatin Could Help with Cellulite


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