Can a Keto diet heal type 2 diabetes and improve your heart disease risks?

Jürgen had a heart attack, and I’m pretty sure gummy bears and pizzas had something to do with that. But I started the keto diet because I am at risk of getting type 2 diabetes. I believe it is carbohydrates that raise your insulin levels. And constant high levels of insulin makes you fat and eventually leads to diabetes. I am not a diabetic (yet). But my dad was. And I totally believe I am on that path. I do not need to be hit by a bus. I can see the path ahead…and I am going to turn this around NOW! I am not going to say everyone should get as extreme as I am going. Low carb maybe your answer? But the medical evidence is sugar is the problem. And maybe no one ever told you but you can treat type 2 diabetes with diet. You should not try that without a doctor’s care. But you can go keto and treat your diabetes. And like me…you do not need to blame yourself for your weight. You can go high fat low carb…and see this direction reverse. Some people can manage carbs. But I am not a person that can eat carbs. FAT IS MY FUEL! FAT IS MY FRIEND! That is my truth. I have been told my entire life low fat and high carb. I followed that. It failed me. Carbohydrates make me sick. We are all different, but for me, carbohydrates make me sick. Can a Keto diet heal type 2 diabetes and improve your heart disease risks? The answer is yes. The research says yes. In every case...I can not say. And if you are on medication you absolutely need to try it under medical supervision. But drugs offer little hope of a cure, and a diet does offer hope.


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