My husband had a heart attack

My husband had a heart attack about a month ago. He is ok.  It wasn’t a big heart attack…just a big wakeup call.  My health has been slipping for a while.  My weight has risen.  My joints hurt.  I walk every day with my dog, Lucy.  You would think after nearly two years of daily exercise I would be in better shape.  But I’m in my late 50’s.  I guess nothing is going to get better without great effort.  But I have a lot to live for.  And without great effort, my life might be lived out with a long list of modern diseases.  Diabetes, heart disease, gout, liver disease.  My dad suffered all of these.  It was painful to witness.  He died two years ago.  I do not want to go down that road.  But I realize I am on that path.  I am convinced a ketogenic diet will help turn this all around.  I do not plan to share my weight.  I like you enough…but I would be too embarrassed.  What I will share is what I am eating, and what I am learning.  And if you think keto might be something you want to try, this blog might encourage you.  Today is Taco Tuesday.  So I made normal taco fixings for my family.  And I made myself keto tacos. 

Tomorrow I will tell you what a keto diet is, and how I am approaching it. I'm only starting. This is week two. But I'll tell you what I think as I begin this trip. To make keto tacos you melt cheese on wax paper in the oven. Then you take the cheese and lay it over a muffin pan. It will harden as a cheese shell. I filled it with salad, avocado, ground beef, sour cream and black olives. It was super yummy! Every Tuesday will be Taco Tuesday! Please leave a comment ( try to be kind) and subscribe to my blog. Feel free to share it with your friends and family. Here is the idea


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